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{{order.subtotal | myCurrency}}

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Qty Item Price
x{{item.qty}} {{item.unitWeight }}{{((item.itemUnit && item.itemUnit == 'Per item') ? 'Lbs' : item.itemUnit)}} {{item.name}}
{{mod.name}} +{{ mod.price | myCurrency }}
{{(item.price * item.qty) | myCurrency}}
Subtotal {{order.subtotal | myCurrency}}
{{disc.name}} -{{disc.amountToDiscount | myCurrency}}
{{fee.name}} {{fee.amountFeeToAdd | myCurrency}}
{{key}} {{value | myCurrency}}
Tax {{order.tax | myCurrency}}
Total {{order.total | myCurrency}}
Order Type {{(isPickup ?'Pickup':'Delivery' ) }}
{{$root.loyaltySettings.termPlural}} Earning {{order.pointsEarning}}

{{order.customer.rewardNumber | rewardNumberFormat}}

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Order Summary
Item Price
x{{item.qty}} {{item.name}}
{{mod.name}} +{{ mod.price | myCurrency }}
{{(item.price * item.qty) | myCurrency}}
Subtotal {{order.subtotal | myCurrency}}
Discount -{{order.discountValue | myCurrency}}
{{fee.name}} {{fee.amountFeeToAdd | myCurrency}}
{{key}} {{value | myCurrency}}
Tax {{order.tax | myCurrency}}
Total {{order.total | myCurrency}}
Order Type {{(isPickup ?'Pickup':'Delivery' ) }}
{{$root.loyaltySettings.termPlural}} Earning {{order.pointsEarning}}
Pickup Location: {{storeInfo.name}} {{storeInfo.addressFull}}
Delivery Address {{order.customer.address}} {{order.customer.zipcode}}
Name {{order.customer.name}}
Email {{order.customer.email}}
Phone Number {{order.customer.number}}

Transaction Failed
Decline Code: {{stripeErrorCode }}
Decline Reason: {{stripeErrorMsg}}

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You will get a receipt in your email too. Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions. We are always happy to help!
